

By WPPraise

Love is blind to those who allow their emotions, feelings to dictates their actions. I'm in love with you could mean, your "wallets" not with you, really. Making babies is not a proof, "I love you." Neither does "Yes, I do", mean I'm faithfully yours forevermore. It could be a rubber stamped to ruin your life. The beginning of chaos is the start of disharmony. 

Folks who thrives in dysfunctionality derived maximum excitements in orchestrating chaos in innocent life's. 

They're not in your life to add values to your life but to disvalue and drives you into mental health and retrogression. Many of you are living with Satanic agents, diabolical evil minded people. Break the chains that holds you down. Divorce court is not a playground to settle petty disputes but to get rid of the devils in your life's. 

"People were created to be loved. Things were created to be used. The reason why the world is in chaos is because things are being loved and people are being used." John Green